Join us your neighbors for the VNA Christmas Tree Lighting at Oak Haven Park! This is a family event with music, crafts, hot cocoa and adult beverages.
Join us for the Vineville Neighborhood Association Holiday Party at the Big House. VNA will provide an entree and drinks. Neighbors are asked to bring a side and dessert to share. Donations will also be accepted for the Methodist Home for Children and Youth. Click Here to see a list of needs. Indoor/Outdoor Event
Cheers to 2021, Neighbors! While we wish we could have our Annual Meeting and Potluck this year, we've decided to keep a safe distance due to COVID concerns. We eagerly await meeting in person again, but until then we've put together an Annual Meeting Video. In addition, please take a moment to cast your vote to approve the incoming board of directors and check out the tentative 2021 social calendar below. Please view the video of the Annual Meeting hosted on YouTube - (opens in a new tab)
Grab your yard gloves and join your neighbors for the monthly VNA Neighborhood Cleanup! Come help clean up a corner of our neighborhood! All are welcome. Work from 9am - 10am and then enjoy some of Barbara's Banana Bread!
Join us for the December Neighborhood Cleanup this Saturday at Oak Haven Park! In addition to picking up trash in and around the park, we will also have a group working to install poles for permanent lighting for future events.