Guidelines and Ordinances

Vineville is a Designated Historical District on the National Register of Historic Places. With this distinction, requirements and guidelines must be followed to maintain the designation.

Design Guidelines

Vineville is one of 6 locally designated and zoned historic design districts in the greater Macon area. This means that any and all material changes to the exterior of a structure or landscape, if visible from a street, sidewalk, or alleyway, must go through a review process. This includes, but is not limited to, such things as changes to:

  • windows and doors
  • new roofs
  • new walkways
  • driveways
  • removing or installing trees or shrubbery
  • changes to porches
  • installation of fences and retaining walls
  • garden sheds and garages

The design guidelines that apply to the Vineville area are located at Design Guidelines for Historic Districts | Macon – Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission > Historic Preservation > Design Guidelines > Historic District Guidelines
Direct link to the general guideline

Even though these are currently under review, they are still in force for these districts.
For more information, please email Adrian Wood at

On a National level, you will find information here about federal Laws & Regulations and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards & Guidelines for historic preservation at

Historic Macon Foundation has a published informational Homeowners Handbook to Historic Houses.  This handbook very well written in a laymen’s terms on the things you should know about owning a historic property.



Parking in front yard or area not designated as a parking area.

A district ordinance is in place that prohibits the parking in a non-defined and permitted parking space or area.  An example of this is defined as parking in the front yard on the grass.  Link to the Ordinance